Never Let You Go

*I would suggest to listen the song while reading -never let you go- kygo ft. john newman This is dedicated to the ones who are no longer with us. Those people whose voices or smells one day we will forget. Time is so harmful and the mind is so fragile that sometimes we cannot store all the amazing things in our head. To my grandparents, uncles, cousins, friends, pets, and all the people who have left this world, I wish I could have shared more time with you. I wish I could have shared another meal or laugh, my graduation, and my successes. But your time with me already taught me enough - enough to be stronger, wiser, and thankful for every second on this earth. Even if you do not believe it, you are a part of me. You have already set one brick on my life wall. I was 11 when my grandfather on my dad's side passed away. I felt so miserable for not having treated him better. I still remember how he raised me and when he used to show me his biceps, a symbol of his hard work life. I ...